You work hard. Let’s make retirement easy.
The Northwest AGC Chapters Retirement Plan offers cost-effective, low-maintenance 401(k) programs to construction companies of all sizes and their allies. As veterans in the construction industry, we understand your needs. We’ll work directly with you to create valuable retirement solutions that reward you and your employees.

Why Partner Northwest AGC

We do the work
Skip the responsibility and rigmarole of standalone plans.
No brokers.
No salesmen.
No intermediaries.
No roadblocks.
We provide flexible plan designs, easy administration, employee education, tax forms, government reports, and all the other ongoing support that saves you time and minimizes your liability.

Our robust plan scales to meet your needs.
As your company grows, your company’s retirement needs may change. Our plan offers you the ability to adjust your plan design, and our experienced support team has the know-how to help you balance flexibility with easy administration.
We have the flexibility and know-how to make your vision a success.

We’ll save you money
Perhaps the best reason to join the Northwest AGC Chapters Retirement Plan is the money you will save. We are constantly looking to improve your bottom line and eliminate costs. After all, we’re contractors, just like you. Together we can help you save on investment costs, payroll taxes, and other administrative fees through the bulk-buying power of AGC members across the region.