Joining the Northwest AGC Chapters Retirement Plan is simple.
Our support team will work directly with you to build the best plan for your business, regardless of whether you are launching a brand-new plan or looking for a more cost-effective vehicle for your existing plan.
Let's Talk
Our professional staff is prepared to guide you through the plan setup process. We’ll start by getting to know you and your business better. What are your goals? What challenges do you face? How can our plan best serve your employees? This information will lay the groundwork for a Participation Agreement customized for you.
Complete the Participation Agreement
Complete the AGC Participation Agreement by electing the provisions you want for your plan. Here, you will indicate the contribution types you want to offer your employees, set initial eligibility requirements, and more. Before completing the Agreement, we recommend first reading the AGC Participation Introduction.
View the Participation Agreement
Need help determining what options are best for you? We’ve got you covered. Click here and one of our experts will contact you directly. Then submit below.
Introduce and Enroll Employees
Once we’ve hammered out the design of your retirement program and you’ve submitted your Participation Agreement, eligible employees can begin to enroll. We’ll supply you with all of the educational information they will need to get started. You can present this information yourself, or we can offer hands-on support with in-person or virtual presentations to your team.
Start Saving
Most contributions are remitted by ACH debit request. In some cases we can work directly with your payroll provider to automate the entire process.
Our administrator will provide whomever does your payroll with an easy-to-follow template and a secure email portal for remitting contributions.